Reflections on 2019
It is that time of year for my yearly review and reflection. After reviewing my reflection for 2018, I would like to continue what I started and focus on a series of questions to reflect over this year.
Top Nine Instagram Moments of 2019. #topnine
What significant life changes happened this year?
I graduated with a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from Texas A&M University. I also secured my first corporate job. I will start working full-time for Dell Technologies in Round Rock, Texas, on February 3 (currently already working part-time). I decided to purchase a new home that is under construction and should be completed in April/May.
What was I most proud of this past year?
I had two moments that stand out this year. The first was in January when I was presented with the 2018 Texas Outstanding Teacher of the Humanities Award—the only teaching award I’ve ever won. I especially appreciated the students that showed up to cheer me on. The second was graduating with my second Master’s degree and earning my Aggie ring. I hadn’t really wanted to get the ring or go to the graduation ceremony (who enjoys sitting through the long and tedious ceremony?), but being there with my cohort to celebrate both events was a great conclusion to this beautiful experience. I was especially moved at graduation when we sang the Aggie War Hymn. As is tradition, during the second verse, we linked arms and legs and swayed left to right to “Saw Varsity’s horns off” (University of Texas reference). Although I’ve done it during football games, it was profoundly emotional to see almost 1200 graduates singing and swaying together.
What was the most significant thing you learned this past year?
Say Yes! I made my summer the summer of saying yes. Read my LinkedIn posts about this and about learning how to network more effectively. I realized that showing up and saying yes, often was the hardest part, and it got easier from there. I will continue to apply this lesson as I navigate my new career, new home, and the new decade.
Other Questions:
What was the price of gas? $2.13
What were my favorite songs/podcasts/books/movies of the year?
Movies: Knives Out, Yesterday & Little Women
Books: (Non-Fiction) Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo & The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane (Fiction) Replay by Ken Grimwood
Podcast: “After Hours” by HBR
Songs: That’s On You by Amelie Patterson and Talk by Khalid
What was your favorite new experience of the year? Wandering around Prague
What new food did you enjoy this year? Hot Pot, my friend Hong made it for me twice
What new questions do you want to ask in the new year? Does it really matter what others think about me? When all is said and done, what will I have said more than I’ve done?
2019 was an incredible year. Of course, I had my struggles as we all do, but on the whole, this was a year where I found myself reflecting again and again with how much I have been blessed with. I had a fantastic internship experience with people that I grew to love tremendously. I was pushed and stretched to improve academically by challenging coursework and professors. Ultimately this will make me a much more competent HR professional. I also got to spend quality time with my family, which is priceless, especially as my mother’s dementia continues to steal her memory and personality.
To wrap up my 2019 reflection, I wanted to review how I measured up to the goals I set in January.
2019 Goals Recap
The emotional goal was to post 365 Days on Instagram.
I can confidently state that I posted Every. Single. Day. There were MANY days when I felt like it was a waste of time and that there was literally nothing interesting--so I took pictures of food instead. In the end, I had many people tell me how much they looked forward to seeing what I posted. I love that I have a visual record of my entire year. In terms of data in 2018, I had 650 likes on Instagram, and in 2019 I had over 9500 likes--a considerable improvement (although I wasn’t doing it for the likes or for the followers). As I look at the top nine pictures (see above), it is interesting to note that most feature a picture of me. I appear in 30 images this year (out of more than 365), so less than 10% of the pictures. I wouldn’t say I like having my picture taken. Still, I acknowledge that I need to exist in photos, and moving forward, I will try not to resist sharing images of myself (and it appears that from the number of likes that my Instagram followers enjoy seeing pictures of me).
Intellectual Goal was to have 15 blog posts.
I failed this goal. I started strong and ended strong, but the middle of the year was a blank space. This is definitely an area where I can improve.
The spiritual goal was to strengthen my testimony on faith.
I spent more time in the scriptures this past year than I ever have, and I did notice that my testimony on faith grew.
The physical goal was to exercise 3 days a week.
I exercised more consistently in 2019 than I have in years. I didn’t always have 3 days of exercise, but most weeks, I had multiple days, and this is a significant trend. I also ended the year, weighing less than I started the year. I want to keep that trend going, slow, and steady weight loss.
What did you learn in 2019? What goals are you setting for 2020?
Come back tomorrow, and I will share what my big plans are for 2020.