Year in Numbers and Pictures

It has been a year since I started this blog and it has been a busy and momentous year. I like to be able to see the results of my labor so I thought I would show you the year in numbers and pictures.

I wrote over 50,000 words in 150 blog posts. Most short novels are 50,000 words and I am surprised that I actually had this much to say.

Here is a look at the number of visitors.

I had visitors from the following 50 countries.

And finally, a look at the what I was talking about using some more clever word art. This is a rough outline of my face which I think makes for an interesting piece of art.

I used to create this piece.

In addition to what I built, I learned a handful of new skills, visited two amazing countries and learned more about myself.  I would say that was a successful start to this blog.

Taking Control

Looking Ahead for 2013