All your burning questions answered below.  If there is something I haven't covered,  click on our contact page and ask.

May I bring more than one friend with me to my photoshoot?

Yes!! You need to let me know when you schedule your appointment so that we can block out enough time to photograph everyone.

What clothing should I bring to my session?

This session is designed to make you look and feel fabulous.  Bring clothes that you love and that reflect your personality.  I recommend bringing at least three outfit options.  When you arrive at your session, I will talk to you about which of the items you brought with you will work best with the shoot. 

What kind of shoes should I bring?

I typically don't photograph the whole body, so your feet won't be in any pictures, so bring some comfortable flats.  If you have a fabulous pair of heels you want to be photographed in, bring them with you, and we can integrate them into your shoot.

Am I still going to look like myself in the photos?

Absolutely! Our sessions are designed to make you feel you're most beautiful.  I do not want to change how you look or make you feel like someone you are not.  

How much retouching is done to the photographs?

I make subtle enhancements in photoshop while still retaining what makes you beautiful.  Most of my adjustments are to enhance color and lightly even skin tones. I will eliminate scars or blemishes if you prefer.

Will you "help" me lose 10 pounds in photoshop?

I want you to love your pictures, but I disagree with shrinking bodies in photoshop.  I use posing to make the most flattering shapes for your body.  

How long will it take for me to see proof of my photos?

At the time you book your photoshoot, we also schedule your ordering session.  Typically, your ordering session is held 5-7 days after your photoshoot.  Once you’ve ordered and paid for your photos, they usually take an additional 7 days to be mailed to you.

I don't want any photo prints, may I just buy the digital files?

I sell photographs, not digital files.  I want you to celebrate your images and for you to be able to see them daily.  For each photograph that you purchase, I automatically give you the digital file at no additional cost.

Do I have permission to make additional prints of the digital files or upload them onto a social media site?

At our ordering session, I will give you a copy of my release form so that you may make additional prints.  I want you to share your files with your friends and family online. I only ask that you do not remove the copyright data and give me proper credit for the image. However, I do still hold copyright ownership of the images, and you may not use them in any commercial application without my consent.