2013 Academy Award Predictions

The Academy Awards tend to fall into two categories, who we think should win and who we think will win. These are most often separated by the commercial success by the films in question. Usually the film that is more seen and more popular tends to not win, even though public opinion believes that it should. The Oscars have never concerned themselves too much with public opinion, often seeming to reward lesser known films, kind of as a way to demonstrate intellectual superiority. A movie like The Artist (2012 Best Picture winner), tends to win awards because the people who voted feel like they understand the nature of greatness in movies in a way the movie going public never could. So here is our list of the movies we feel most deserve to win the awards along side a list of who we think most likely will.

Who Should Win the Oscars

Best Picture
Silver Linings Playbook

Best Director
Ang Lee

Best Actor
Bradley Cooper

Best Actress
Naomi Watts

Best Supporting Actor
Christoph Waltz

Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway

Best Animated Feature
Wreck-it Ralph

Best Original Screenplay
Django Unchained

Best Adapted Screenplay
Silver Linings Playbook

Best Visual Effects
Life of Pi

Best Original Song


Who Will Win the Oscars

Best Picture

Best Director
Steven Spielberg

Best Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis

Best Actress
Jennifer Lawrence

Best Supporting Actor
Tommy Lee Jones

Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway

Best Animated Feature

Best Original Screenplay
Zero Dark Thirty

Best Adapted Screenplay

Best Visual Effects
Life of Pi

Best Original Song

Downton Abbey, Season 3

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